Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thursday - the first day of practice.

(This was written 2 days ago, but we had a connection problem and didn't get it posted, so reference all the below to Thursday)

"We spent the entire day today at the rowing venue in Penrith. It was very windy, which made the rowing very tough, but it was sunny and warm, and we learned the course.

Becky and Terri visiting with Sue while she holds the luggage, while Harold stands in the line to check into the Games. The line started clear around the building.

Luckily we got good sleep last night in our room in the Best Western in Richmond, after the seemingly endless flight time and then a long afternoon and evening getting our Games credentials at the Olympic park, learning the train system, and meeting the group here at the hotel. Perhaps the Games people are not as prepared as we had hoped, as the queue at the Park was incredible.

We stood in line for nearly 3 hours to get checked in, and it was dark and a bit rainy by the time we were done. Now we have our event ID which is also a free pass on the trains and some ferries, we have our event backpacks which are exactly like those of the other 27,000 folks, and our frameable participation certificates. Oh boy.

This was the check-in for all the sports, there are about 20, and it seems they somehow did not anticipate how backed up it would get.

The buildings at the Olympic Center are pretty cool, and we have not even been inside he stadium yet. The opening ceremony is Sunday evening.

Our group has several rented vehicles (including Tanya's camper van which is pretty cool - hope our is like that), so the adventure of driving in the mirror-image world has begun. Lori L has a very clean windshield, the result of hitting the wipers every time she goes for the turn signal.

Sue and Rhonnie and Becky and Scott went to the opera tonight at the famous Sydney clamshell, so they will be in late on the train, and will be exhausted after this long day.
There are so many great strange birds and flowers; so many thing to see. I put out a challenge that I would buy a brew for the first kangaroo spotted, then I managed to get it done myself.

A sign inside the train station.

The Best Western is glad to have us!

The boat yard where we pick up our rented boats at the practice lake.

The womens 8+ out to try the rented boat.

Yeah, Tom had to fill-in, until the ARA gal was available to row with our crew.

We are missing Wendy, who had to fly to Pennsylvania just days before our trip, when her folks were in a bad auto smash-up.

How's this for a quiver of boats on a trailer? I got to meet the guy who designed these and has them built. His name is Ted Hale, from Tasmania, and he was the Australia single champ for about 10 years. He bought a single for a big race in Perth one time years ago, and when the airlines said it was too long, he cut it in half, made the trip, glued it back together, and won the race.

Here's a link you can save to see about the Games, and see the daily rowing racing results:

We'll try to catch up soon. The netlink here is $10 per day, and there is not much free time.

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