Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mt. Warning hike, and Cape Byron

After a long day touring around the "Border Ranges National Park" in the van we relaxed at the local caravan park and ate some meat pies at the local pub with Tom and Lori Swann. The next morning we made an early morning trek up Mt. Warning. It was a very fun hike, easy walking right up to the end when it was rock climbing hand over hand.

Most of the time we were within the jungle with just quick snatches of view.

As we reached the top, it was hand over hand rock climbing. Luckily they had a chain for an extra safety factor.

Just as we were reaching the top, we ran in to Dan and Erin from the Anchorage Rowing Club. We actually saw then on the road just before we started the trip, so did expect to see them somewhere along the trail.

It was as usual, fairly warm and we were glad of the early morning start. It is a 2 hour hike up and a 2 hour hike down, for some reason it isn't quicker going down.

After the hike, we relaxed with a cold beer and then the Swanns headed north and we headed for Byron Bay. We wanted to catch a geocache there and see the lighthouse which we didn't take the time for on the way up.

It was quite a beautiful site, with many many many more steps to go down and then back up again! The legs really got a work out this day.

The lighthouse is one of many that run along the coast of Australia, back more than 100 years ago they wanted the coast to be lit up like a dark street, warning ships of the rocky and dangerous coastline.

In 1995 or 1996(?) Jeanie went on a tour and she was our impetus in making this stop. She remembered that Byron Bay was particularly grand.

This is the start of the steps down, a nice gentlemen offered to take our picture.

As luck would have it, the geocache was at the very BOTTOM of the steps! I did eventually find it tucked away and we logged a find.

After this long hot day a special treat of homemade ice cream was the topper!

Harold thought Uncle Mike would apprecite this beautiful stainless steel handrail.

They have incredible trees here, these flowering purple trees have no leaves! They are everywhere and a pleasure everytime you see one.

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